Will you please "cut" that out? ;)

I've always loved cutting out shapes and making things. Such as characters from cartoons, movies, books, and so forth. I haven't done much of that lately, but I did today and yesterday. =)
I'm planning on making more, but these two had to come first. ;)
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I Just screwed my blog up...

=( I just messed my entire blog up. A life's work down the pipes. ;)
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And I thought I was too old... =)

I never thought I would do one of these again, but here we are.
This one goes out to ALL of you! =) =O =P

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Yo saquƩ una foto =)

I was inspired to take some pictures, and that is what I've done. I didn't have a good opportunity to go shooting somewhere, but I made do with stuff around the house. I also edited some of the pictures on my pc. They aren't much, but I had fun doing it. =) Lot's a mirror stuff.
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Wyatt's list of (17)

Here goes again. A little recap of non important (And important) things I've done in the last week.

1. Went to Denny's at 9pm. Which is really early for a Denny's run. =) Warren and I downed that baby sized Sundae in under 3 minutes flat! =) Yeah? (Non Important)

2. We painted a room in our house today. My parent's room. Fun fun. (Semi-important)

3. Low painted my face by request today. I was going to go with the checkered look but too much bother for Low. =) =O =P (Semi- Unique)

4. I've been playing lots and lots of piano. I learned, Superman-F.f.f.. And i'm working on 100 years also by F.f.f.. (Important- to me!)

5. I went paintballing Sunday in the rain. That was lots of fun. =) Only one welt that stuck with me. Or should I say on me. =) (Outstanding)

6. Soccer. Been playing soccer. Always good. =) (Important)

7. Hung out with my friends! A? =) =O =P (Outstanding!!)

And all these picture, are pretty much self explanatory. Yeah? And let me explain something. The picture of me in the painting....bonnet? I never wear one when I paint...I just felt like it today. ;)

Thank God for giving me things to do! =) And almost always keeping me busy.

* You might notice there are only 7 things on my list. That's because I couldn't think of 10 other things I did this week that are blog worthy. =P A?
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