Some real kicking sickness

I've decided to talk about my adventure with this crud that is going around.

It started Wednesday evening at about 6pm. I had just walked back from soccer practice and was feeling unusually strange. =0 My skin had that prickish feel. You know what i'm talking about?
Well, any way, that night i crawled into bed and laid there and laid there. I was refusing to be sick. "NO! I can't be sick. Too much to do. I don't have time for this."

Well, its apparent that bugs and viruses don't care what you want.
Thursday i woke up feeling low as ever. I skipped school (The one nice thing about sickness) and slept most of the morning away. From 1 to 3 I was having a battle between my body and head.
My head wanted to get my cleats and get to soccer practice...but my body just wanted to resort to the fetal position on my bead. Well, in the end my body won (as it usually does). I stayed home, and missed the varsity game against Elma. :(

Friday rolled around and i awoke feeling better but nothing too groovy. I stayed home from skating feeling i would wear myself ragged. Hehe. And i was busy watching a movie. ;)
After my soccer game Friday afternoon in which Aberdeen stomped Olympia 8-0 i came home to a nice bowl of Chicken noodle soup. Which i must thank my caring mother and sisters for.
Then Dana came over to spend the night and Saturday. His parents had gone to some sort of class on furthering their knowledge of the Vaccinium corymbosum... A.K.A..... the Blueberry.
I also believe they studied other plants as well...but of that one i knew for sure.

As you all probably know, it is hard to be hang out with a friend when your coughing and blowing your...nose.
Well, that night we watched a movie call "Seven years in Tibet" staring Brat Pitt. It was a long movie. But it had a good story. It wasn't any Rambo, but it had it's charms.
Right before we went to bed...i slipped myself some NyQuil. That stuff is amazing. Works like a dream. I was out like that.

On Saturday Dana and I had to mount these bike things in the back for the bikes. They were some sort of pulley hoist. The first one took us an eternity. But we soon got it.
Then we pretty much spent the rest of the day blowing each other up in Halo. It was either barrel to barrel with scorpion tanks, or wing to wing with Banshees. We had fun. ;)

And yes, I'm am still sick. Darn! But I'm feeling better!


Lil Hippo said...

sounds like you've been having as much fun as i have.

question, what is chicken DOODLE soup? ;)

Wyatt said...

K, no one but you saw that. ;)

brett said...

Where does it say that? My whole family got that bug I think but I am just so cool I dont get sick very often I get headaces quite often (mostly after church because of their lighting)!

Wyatt said...

Lol that's for us to know... and you never to know! The lighting in the church is strange...but not that much. :P

Unknown said...

What ever ended up happening in that movie? The tibet one.
Vaccinium corymbosum..........ill remember that one.....

Wyatt said...

He got back to Austria, and his son finally accepted him and they climbed a mountain together. real sweet. :)

Kabe said...

The movie sounds amzing. When I was in Kansas City, I watched three Bradd Pitt movies...IN A ROW! It was scary... I had Pitt burned to my eyes. And have I been demoted for some reason?

Wyatt said...

You poor child!! Are you scared for life? I can only handle so much of him.

brett said...

I had the sadest day 2day...

Wyatt said...


FlowerGirl said...

i had the same crud, but i laid on the couch all day for TWO weeks and missed two soccer games.