
Manga O O

I was looking for something to draw last night while on youtube. I found this crazy awesome guy who draws Manga. I tried, and its really hard to do. These were my first attempts... but i'm going to work on it more! You should give it a try.

Here's a link to the guy drawing hair.


Anonymous said...


Chelsea said...

Whoa! Awesome sketches Spud! Wish I could push that much talent into my sketches. =(

Lil Hippo said...

Those are great!
i don't think i'll even try to draw that. i think the biggest thing i have drawn was a road with trees along the side (and it looked like an 6 year old drew it!)

Wyatt said...

I bet you've drawn more than that. You seem like you'd draw unicorns...
Am i right? Prolly wrong. Vedy vedy wrong.

Tim said...

Nice! Those are pretty much amazing =P