Captain Crunch!

Our mother has never been a fan of sweet cereal. Such as Captain Crunch, Cinnamon toast Crunch,
Coca Puffs...Etc. So she almost never buys the stuff.
But once in a while Warren and I break down and go pick up a box.
We bought a box of Captain crunch for 4.75$ about a week ago.
That's pretty steep for some puffed up sugar! Tonight was the night to see who got the last little bit of Captain Crunch! So we settled it the democratic way. Rock, Paper. Scissors. The best two out of three. I won!! So i got to finish off the box. There wasn't much left. ;(

But because I have a big heart...I gave him the dust that's at the bottom.

The bigger ones mine.

Warren is posing in front of his.

Jet Didn't get a cut into the deal.
He was going to bed.
But as the box lay on the table, Jet ran up to it and peered inside.
"Look...two left!" He proclaimed.
He had found the few, lost captain Crunch puffs in the box.
He seemed very happy.


Anonymous said...

lucky i want captain crunch

dana b

Wyatt said... too hu?
I think its a home-schooler thing!
Thanks for the "dana b"
it helps.
Kynsie now signs, "Santa" :O
So Weird.

Kabe said...

weired huh? and your right, it is a home-schooler thing. My mom won't let me have any of that good stuff either.

Wyatt said...

We'll at least other kids are suffering with us! :) I like how you call it "the Good stuff"
Makes it sound like....something really BIG! :) Awesome!

sbackholm said...

Ah. The coveted sugar cereal.
