Pearl Django

This Sunday we went to see Pearl Django at the Raymond theater.
It was quite impressive. Their style of music is so happy sounding. B)
I think its called gypsies jazz. Pearl Django consists of two guitars, one violin, an upright bass, and a accordion. Very beautiful!


Lil Hippo said...

you went to the raymond theature??? i haven't been there in years!!! I love that place!

Wyatt said...

We did. Cool building...but the seats!! Ouch! I'm still in pain. :P lol But it was fun.

Piper said...

It sounds like you guys had fun! Paige said something about you guys were going to a concert in Raymond.

Wyatt said...

Yeah, it was a great concert. But we left at intermission. Warren was getting cranky! lol just kidding. But he was getting bored.

Piper said...

Thats to bad Warren was being cranky! LOL