
An Ode To Coffee-

"Oh coffee, It's chocolate swirls fill your mouth.
Such an aura, such a sensation of mirth.
You slowly sip, savoring every staining drop.

Ponder all the people who consume it with such haste.
Whom merely guzzle to stay awake another puzzle.
Who drink it down without a grin.
Oh how they no not what they overlook".

- Wyatt -


Piper said...

Where was The Batman popsicle hero when I needed him on New Years Eve playing fishbowl?

He would have been my hero.


Anonymous said...

Did you make that up yourself?


Wyatt said...

Denise- Lol he was on my side. He always fights EVIL! :P

Wyatt said...

Dana- Of course i made this Ode up.
Kindda strange, hu?

Piper said...

So lets get something straight..are you saying you were fighting against the black evil villians? LOL

Kabe said...

Thats too funny. I never knew you to be poet. I don't know if I quite beleive it yet. Your sure that your sisters didn't write that?

Wyatt said...

C'mon Kynsie - Thats rather lame.
...I can write ode's and stuff when i want too. :P Trust me....i wrote it. Laurel doesn't have what it takes to write something as weird as this.